Do Teslas need special tires?

Car tires

Tesla has helped to change the game, not just for electric vehicles, but for the entire automotive industry. They have incredibly high standards, which can be seen in every aspect of their vehicles, including the tires. If you own a Tesla or are thinking about owning one, you may be wondering, do Teslas need special tires? Here we’ll answer that question while also looking at what sets Tesla tires apart. So let’s get started by getting to the heart of the question.

Teslas need special tires to perform as intended. Tesla tires provide many features, such as immense durability, high traction, and low noise level. EVs contain lithium-ion batteries making them heavier than conventional vehicles. Average tires will fit Tesla vehicles as well but are not well-suited.

But what exactly is it about Tesla tires that makes them so special? We’ll look into their specific features to see why you’ll always want in Tesla tires on your car. Read on to find out more!

What makes Tesla tires different?

Many people think that you can just place any old tires on a Tesla. While you technically can, that’s never a good idea. Tesla tires have been specifically made to withstand not only the demands of the car but also the specific requirements of an electric vehicle.

With Tesla tires being more expensive than regular tires, it can be tempting to buy a cheaper set. However, Tesla tires are always going to be a worthwhile investment, and here we’ll look at why.

Tesla tires are different due to their immense durability, increased traction, high performance, and low noise level. It’s these factors that ensure you’ll always be happy to have a set of Tesla’s recommended tires on your pride and joy.

Let’s take a look at those key benefits in a little more detail.

1. Longer lasting

One of the most impressive features of Tesla tires is their durability. It means they can last for a lot longer than regular tires due to a combination of their build quality along with the materials used in their construction.

Electric car tires wear out more quickly than tires on a regular car. The reason for that is because electric cars can apply an instant level of 100% torque, which is the rotational force applied to the tire.

As this force is being applied to a static tire, it means that the friction levels are going to be higher than would be applied in a regular gas-powered car. In the same driving conditions, the same tire on an electric vehicle would wear out more quickly than on a traditional vehicle.

This is one of the facts that Tesla has accounted for with the construction of their tires. They combat this in two ways. Firstly, they have increased traction on the tread, which means that torque makes the tire instantly rotate instead of slipping on the ground.

Secondly, the specific blend of rubber they used means very little degradation when compared to other tires. The combination of these factors ensures that Tesla tires more than make up for the additional pressures that are placed on the tires of an electric vehicle.

The ramifications of this are obvious. If you put standard cheap tires on your Tesla, then they are going to wear out very quickly. Not just because their construction and materials won’t be as good, but also because they weren’t designed for the extra demands of an electric vehicle.

2. Increased traction

As we mentioned, traction is important for the performance of any tire, but it plays an extra role when it comes to electric cars. Traction refers to the amount of grip a tire has when it’s making contact with the road surface.

Grooves are cut into a tire to increase the grip and ensure any water on the surface can be siphoned away. However, the material of the tire, its construction, and the shape of those grooves all play a vital role. But what makes the traction on Tesla tires so impressive?

Tesla’s tread patterns feature an exceptional tread depth for improved grip, and the compounds used to treat Tesla tires also provide them with lower rolling resistance, meaning that it’s easier for them to be in motion.

We spoke in the above section about the importance of grip when it comes to the instant torque that you get from electronic motors. You need a tire that can react straight away to that torque and avoid excessive friction that can lower the lifespan of the tire.

Suffice to say, the traction on Tesla tires is incredible. It copes perfectly with that extreme torque that you receive which aids in their ability to last for around 30,000 miles before needing to be replaced.

Of course, added to this benefit is the reason why you need good traction on any road vehicle. A high level of traction ensures that you can have confidence in taking corners and don’t need to worry when the roads are wet.

Tesla tires can do this much better than any standard tire, which will give you peace of mind while you’re on the road. Whatever the conditions, your Tesla tires are going to cope with them.

3. Less Noisy

There was an unforeseen problem when it came to electric vehicles, and that was the noise of the tires on the road. In any vehicle with a combustion engine, the noise of those mini explosions means you don’t notice that tire noise. However, with quiet electric cars, that tire sound becomes very noticeable.

This is especially true at medium speeds when there isn’t much wind resistance. But how do Tesla and other electric vehicles combat this problem?

Tesla tires have a layer of polyurethane foam inside them. This helps to dampen the noise and allows you to drive around without that irritating sound. This foam layer is extremely effective and not a feature of regular tires.

If you were to install standard tires on your Tesla, you’d soon regret it for this reason alone! You’d be surprised at how much noise tires make on the road and how much you never noticed it before due to the presence of other sounds. Many other tires from electric vehicles have the feature, so it’s not exclusive to Tesla. But if you’re paying extra for tires made for an EV, you may as well make them Tesla-approved.

4. Load capacity

It can depend on several factors but with comparable car sizes, an electric vehicle will be around 25-30% heavier than its combustion equivalent. That is a surprise to many, but the motor and battery cells weigh much more than a regular engine.

More weight means more pressure on the suspension system, and more pressure on the tires. That means they need to cope with the weight and the added friction that comes with it.

Tesla tires are designed to have a high load bearing. They are made to cope with the weight of those cells, along with any occupants and their luggage. They have excellent construction, along with being larger than the wheels on a similar-sized combustion engine.

We’ll say it again, the construction quality of a Tesla tire is excellent. Just as a well-built house is better prepared to cope with a storm, a better-constructed tire can cope with higher weights, higher lateral loads, and bumps in the road.

The larger wheels also allow for a greater area to disperse the weight that’s coming from above. Added to those factors, the larger rims help to further improve the traction and add to the stability of your car.

5. Performance

For those with limited knowledge of cars, it’s easy to think that all tires are the same. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. You can almost think of them like shoes. Some are cheap and fall apart quickly, while others are incredibly well-constructed and will last for years.

Tesla tires can give you the highest levels of road performance. To make the perfect road tires, you not only need to worry about the likes of durability and traction, but also other considerations such as rolling resistance and efficiency.

Tesla tires are designed to maximize the range you get from your motor. They move very efficiently, which allows you to have more miles per change. Along with this, they are also more comfortable to drive on and allow more precise steering than an equivalent budget tire.

Rolling resistance is the term for how freely a wheel spins. The more resistance, the more effort you need to put into the tire to make it spin. Tesla tires have a remarkably low rolling resistance which means a minimal amount of energy is needed to turn them. This aids in battery performance which saves you money in the long run.

Tesla tires are made using the radial construction method when compared to the more traditional cross-ply method. While cross-ply is the cheaper option, radial tires not only give the better rolling resistance mentioned but are able to better cope with bumps in the road for a more comfortable driving experience.

How often do Tesla tires need to be replaced?

Whether you have a Tesla, a new Ferrari, or a 20-year-old diesel, it’s always important to check your tires. The danger from old tires is obvious as it can lead to punctures, make blowouts more likely, and perhaps most importantly, lead to crashes due to decreased traction.

That begs the question of how often do Tesla tires need to be replaced? Thankfully they have quite a long lifespan, but that doesn’t mean they’ll last forever.

Tesla tires should be replaced every six years at a minimum. That should cover around 30,000 miles. If you drive more often than that, your tires may need to be replaced sooner. Legally, your tire tread depth should never be below 1.6mm.

While those are the general guidelines in place, it’s always a good idea to regularly inspect your tires to look for any sign of damage. While the legal minimum is 1.6mm of tread, you should never let it get down to that level, as traction can become seriously compromised. It’s recommended that your tire tread depth should be at least 3mm.

Along with a low tread depth, there are also other risk factors you should look out for. Cracks in the sidewall are one of the biggest issues, as are scuffs along the face of the sidewall. Added to this, bumps or bulges on the sidewall are obvious signs of damage.

As well as checking the sidewall, you should inspect the entire circumference of the tire. While the tread may be deep in one area, it could be that you have a bald spot in another. A visual inspection of every area isn’t needed, as you can just feel for the thread if that’s easier.

How often should you inspect your tires? Even with the impressive durability of Tesla tires, it still makes sense to inspect them roughly once every two weeks. If you don’t drive many miles per week, then you can stretch that out, but you should always give your tires a quick check before any long journey.

Is it worth getting Tesla tires?

There’s no doubt that tires can be expensive. They often need replacement, and with multiplying their cost by four, it can soon come to an eye-watering amount. This is especially true if you need specialist tires, such as the ones that come on the tesla.

As we’ve already seen, there are several great reasons for getting Tesla tires, as not only are they more durable, but you’ll also get increased performance and other benefits, such as noise reduction. But is it really worth getting Tesla tires?

Tesla tires are always a worthwhile investment. If you want to get the most out of your Tesla, then you need to get the tires to match. This will ensure the highest levels of performance while also enjoying the additional benefits of Tesla tires.

Whichever model of Tesla you get, you’ll be driving a high-quality machine that is on the cutting edge of technology. You’d almost be doing that technology a disservice by doing anything other than putting Tesla tires on your vehicle.

There is also that old saying, ‘buy cheap, buy twice.’ It means that if you buy a cheaper product, you’ll need to replace it much sooner than if you were to buy a more expensive product. This type of logic can also be applied to Tesla tires.

While the upfront cost may be higher, you’re going to have the benefit of better durability. That reduces their long-term financial impact, making them a sound investment. You also need to consider the fact that regular tires also aren’t designed to handle the torque from electric vehicles. 

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